Thursday, September 4, 2008

Oct 22:28th Single Hyakunen no Kodoku

■GARNET CROW ニューシングルリリース決定!!

GARNET CROWの28枚目となるニューシングル「百年の孤独」が、2008年10月22日にリリースされることが決定致しました!

ニューシングル「百年の孤独」は、2008年秋に上映となります「真救世主伝説 北斗の拳ZERO ケンシロウ伝」の主題歌となっており、今秋で生誕25周年を迎える「北斗の拳」の世界観が凝縮された重厚な楽曲に仕上がっています。カップリング曲等、詳細は追ってご報告していきますので、お楽しみにお待ち下さい!!


GARNET CROW's new single decided!

GARNET CROW will release the 28th single 'Hyakunen no Kodoku' (One hundred years of solitude) on Oct 22, 2008.

Hyakunen no Kodoku will be the new theme of upcoming movie 'Makoto Kyuuseishu Densetsu, Hokuto no Ken ZERO, Kenshirou Den' (Legend of the true savior, True Fist of the North Star ZERO, Story of Kenshiro) scheduled for the big screen in autumn. The song embraces the heavy essence of the worldview of Hokuto no Ken which welcomes its 25th anniversary. Details on coupling songs will be reported later.

Information on the new single was first disclosed on a casual note during LOCKS live tour, but due to confidential issues Yurippe only announced the title which nonetheless stirred up enough excitement among the audience.

5th Movie poster

If you're unfamiliar with Hokuto no Ken,you can check out the following sites:


Hokuto no Ken 25th anniversary project

I actually grew up watching this anime and what I remember from it is lots of blood spills,violent fist fights and torn clothes (The protagonist's clothes is torn to pieces whenever he pumps up his muscles on adrenaline surge. Don't you wonder how he keeps on the same set of clothes in every episode? Never mind.) It's pretty hardcore and the series has been alive for 25 years apparently. The 25th anniversary project is probably the last theatrical release and I'm really excited GC runs away with the title. The popularity of the series will definitely help them find more listeners. And looking at the title 'A hundred years of solitude', I have my expectations brewing! Search for '北斗の拳', or 'Hokuto no Ken' on youtube and you'll get a sense of the previous title songs. Here's the famous TV OP 'You are shock'.


More on 'LOCKS' live later...

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