Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Greetings to fellow GC fans! Are you happily anticipating the release of their new album 'LOCKS'? XD And frustrated that your pocket is short and the limited editions would be snatched up before you have the chance to buy them?

Alrite, more news will come later. First of all I want to apologize for not updating the fansite Seven seas. Many reasons abound.(Like 'time', duh!) Let's not find feeble excuses. Here's my plan:

*The english site will be officially and indefinitely moved to http://delico.myth200.com/7seas. Please bookmark the new url. Construction is underway. Patience is a virtue... Feel free to check back now and then as I update on the go (and at my own leisure).

* The website will serve as an information archive while this blog is to keep you updated of latest news, releases, audio & video clips etc.

It's easier for me to blog than publishing on my own website. You can subscribe to feeds if you know what 'rss feed' is. I definitely recommend it.

It would be greatly appreciated if you could leave feedback on how to improve this blog and/or the website. Send in whatever requests, questions, encouragements, complaints, curses,jinx, voo-doo dolls you have and I'll be grateful to answer/destroy them as appropriate. You could either email me at heavenlypigsty@gmail.com, or leave comments here. INVITATIONS ARE OPEN! Whoever is interested in contributing news/articles, step forward and let me know. This could be a team blog!

Last but not least, the sole purpose is to spread the love of GARNET CROW and unite the fans. Please purchase authentic albums/videos if you can.

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